Molly Andriola
Molly attended the State University of New York at Brockport earning a BS in Dance Performance, an MS in Dance Pedagogy from the University of Idaho, certifications I-IV in Somatics from the East West Somatic Institute in San Francisco and NY locations and her K-12 teaching certification. She performed professionally with Kista Tucker Dance Co., Idaho Dance Theater, National Rendezvous Jazz Festival, Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival and Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus as an aerialist and dancer traveling all over the United States. Molly was a former Clinical Associate Professor of Dance at Texas A&M University where she served the dance program as an educator, dance coordinator and artistic director of the company for a decade. She has been an adjunct professor, advisor, guest artist/lecturer & choreographer for several programs within Texas and the U.S. including Kista Tucker, Clancyworks, National Dance Association, Tarleton State University, Stephen F. Austin University, Lonestar College Kingwood, University of Idaho, Aggie Dance Team, and EastWest Somatics Institute to name a few. She often works as a consultant while on dance faculty in curriculum development and faculty mentorship, facilitating growth for both students and teachers in dance and the performing arts. In 2018, Molly was honored as the Woman of Achievement of the Year-The Arts for the Kingwood and surrounding communities for her outstanding work in dance education & performance over the past 30 years. She has been the recipient of 3 National Presidential Dance Awards and is an innovative choreographer in modern, contemporary and ballet. During her academia career, she was the recipient of the National Dance Education of the Year University/College Award from the National Dance Association in 2008 along with the Southern District University Dance Educator of the Year 2008 and Texas University Dance Educator of the Year in 2004. She has served as a professional adjudicator for over 28 years for college programs and competition companies. Molly continues to facilitate her role as a dance educator & choreographer to students through inspiration, compassion, and discovery of one’s authentic self through the art of dance.