Joni May
Joni May is an Advertising Professional with a varied background in Dance Team Judging and Coaching. She is the current Co-Director of the National Dance Coaches Association Judging Credentials Program. Joni has authored and taught a judging course in England and Scotland for the British Cheerleading Association and consulted with competitive teams in the UK. She was a founder, former Executive Director, and Academy Director of TeamDance Illinois(TDI), a state competition/education circuit that served youth through collegiate teams. Joni has served as a dance team judge, official and trainer for 25+ years, judging for Dance Team Union, multiple state and competition circuits. She has coached, choreographed and consulted with a variety of teams that all share their own success stories. Joni lives in Scottsdale, AZ, is the mother of four sons, and feels privileged to be a part of DTU.