Welcome to the 2025 Dance Team Union National Championship!
We are so excited to see all the returning teams as well as new faces this season! We are honored that you have put your trust in our company’s vision and are thrilled to have you with us as we celebrate our 9th National Championship on
February 14-16, 2025 at our venues, the Orange County Convention Center South Complex and the Hyatt Regency Orlando Convention Center in Orlando, Florida!
At DTU, we know it’s not just about what is put on the competition floor, but about the journey it takes to get there. We have been lucky enough to follow many teams on their road to nationals and witness the hard work and dedication from not only the dancers and coaches, but also their adoring fans. Because of this, we want to make your nationals experience unlike any other by making each dancer, coach, and fan feel a part of this great movement in the dance community.
We would like to wish the best of luck to all our teams this season! Thank you all for joining the movement:
Schedule of Events
The estimated schedule of events for the week of the DTU National Championship is listed below. This schedule is subject to change.
Event check-in for the DTU National Championship will begin Wednesday afternoon and end Friday afternoon.
Team practices on warm-up marley floors, The Dance Draft, master classes, and other events could begin as early as Wednesday through Friday.
The competition will begin for solo semifinals as early as the evening of Thursday and for teams as early as the morning of Friday.
We anticipate that The Battle and Awards Ceremony for Elementary, Middle and JV school teams; Tiny, Mini, Youth, and Junior All Star teams; and Youth and Junior Solos will be late Saturday evening. The Battle and Awards Ceremony for Varsity, Senior All Star, and Senior Solos will be late Sunday evening.
DTU will release a tentative block schedule that will detail competition session time blocks. The official preliminary schedule detailing the order of performance will be released after the Live Draw in January (see Live Draw tab for details).
Marley Practice Time
DTU will provide practice time on the warm-up marley floors before the first day of competition. Once the competition starts, marley practice time will not be available. Practice times will be assigned after each team submits a time slot request, which will be released a few weeks prior to the competition. Each team will receive 10 minutes of practice time per routine. Solo routines will not be eligible for marley practice time.
Technical Consultant
The coach of a team or dancer is responsible for monitoring the safety of each element of a dance and determining that it is safe to perform. The character of the skills being performed, as well as the skill level of the dancers performing those skills, should be considered by the coach in making this determination. All of the skills listed in our Rules and Scoresheets as well as any other movement should be evaluated for safety by the advisor/coach prior to competition.
At Nationals, a technical consultant will be available during marley practice time and official warmups to assist coaches with any questions or issues they have regarding the safety of their routines. During the season, teams may request the assistance of a technical consultant. If an advisor/coach is unsure of the safety of the skill, he or she can submit a video of the activity in question on our Rules and Scoresheets page. If a team has received approval for a trick from another competition, they may rely on that approval for safety consideration purposes. Performing a trick or skill at a DTU regional or virtual event does not guarantee that the trick or skill is approved to be safely performed at Nationals - we highly recommend submitting a video as detailed above to ensure there are no safety issues raised by our consultant at Nationals.
Every team will check in 30 minutes before their performance time and warm up 20 minutes before their performance time. Warm-up for each routine will be 6 minutes long. As soon as the warm-up time is up, the next team's warm-up will begin. Please be courteous of other teams getting on and off the warm-up floor.
Solo Competition
The preliminary round for the Solo Championship will be held virtually on our website in January. Soloists advancing to the semifinal and final rounds will perform at the in-person event in Orlando. The virtual qualifying round is the ONLY way to qualify for semifinals and finals in Orlando.
During the broadcast of the preliminary qualifying round, DTU may edit video submissions (for example, to trim extraneous video length or improve the sound quality or volume levels), but will not edit the solo itself. A schedule for the broadcast and information about accessing the virtual competition will be published in advance of the event.
DTU’s regular solo score sheet will be utilized for all rounds of competition, including the virtual preliminary qualifying round. This scoresheet can be found in our Rules and Scoresheets, along with all entry categories/age groups and other general DTU rules governing solos. All scores will be made available to coaches the week after the broadcast of the preliminary qualifying round.
Approximately 15-30% of the soloists in each category (Youth, Junior and Senior) will advance to the semifinal rounds, in DTU’s sole and absolute discretion, based on highest total score from the judging panel. The advancing soloists may enter any solo they choose in the semifinal round (that is, they do not have to perform the same solo they performed in the preliminary qualifying round).
If an advancing soloist decides not to participate in the semifinals, DTU in its discretion may, but does not have to, invite the soloist with the next highest qualifying score to participate in the semifinals.
Spirit Showdown
This year, DTU is splitting the Spirit Showdown dance style into two divisions: Spirit Showdown - Game Day and Spirit Showdown - Rally Dance. See the score sheets for more details. No semifinal rounds will be held for Spirit Showdown.
Spirit Showdown - Game Day:
This division lets teams showcase dance routines performed as part of a spirit-raising program at school events. A Game Day routine at DTU competitions will have two sections:
1. Spirit Raising Routine: Includes one or more of the following: fight song routine, sideline dance routine, stand routine, and/or drum cadence.
2. Performance Routine: Any style routine designed to appeal to the crowd at a school event, like a sporting event.
There is no time limit, and the focus should be on dance, not cheerleading. Coordinated cheers or chants without dance elements will not be judged. No specific dance skills, like leaps or acrobatic tricks, are required.
Spirit Showdown - Rally Dance:
This division allows teams to perform choreography for events like pep rallies or halftime shows, showcasing unique elements of their hometown, school, or team. There are no required movements, and entertainment value and creativity each make up 20% of the score. Props and audience involvement are allowed, and any dance style or combination can be used. Teams should connect with the audience and provoke an emotional response. Spirit Showdown divisions are not a cheerleading or song-leading competition, and teams should not feel bound to be “traditional” or focus on “sideline/halftime spirit raising” in deciding upon choreography, costuming or music.
Because teams’ content should be very team-, school- and/or community-specific in this category, and judges may not understand the routine out of context, DTU will allow teams entering the Spirit Showdown at any DTU regional or national event to submit a short description of the routine being showcased and how it fits this category. The submission form is linked below. Judges will have access to this information during the judging process.
Preliminary Team Competition
All teams competing will either advance to the finals or compete in the semifinal round. Preliminary scores will determine the finals performance order, as described in the Live Draw tab.
Teams' scores will not be announced on a rolling basis. Instead, finalists will be announced after all performances in a division at that venue have concluded, followed by the draw for performance order. Detailed score sheets, total scores for all teams in the division, and video critiques will be available within a reasonable time after the performance order draw.
Semifinal Round
The Semifinal Round at Dance Team Union Nationals offers a unique opportunity for teams that do not advance to the finals after the preliminary round to compete again for a spot in the finals. Participation in the Semifinal Round is optional, but teams must notify DTU if they choose not to participate to ensure an accurate and efficient schedule.
Performance times for the Semifinal Round may be scheduled as soon as one hour after the preliminary performance. Therefore, teams should frequently check the performance schedule on the Band app. For more detailed information about the Semifinal Round, please refer to the Rules and Scoresheets.
Finals Competition
All teams receive a clean slate for finals – scores do not carry over from the preliminary round. However, teams will be grouped “figure skating style” after preliminary competition for the purpose of drawing for finals order, so that top finishing preliminary teams compete later in the order generally. All results will be announced at our final awards ceremonies.
The Battle
Another unique feature of DTU Nationals is our high-energy Battle. The primary purpose of the Battle Rounds is to promote a fun, supportive environment for selected teams in various styles of dance to showcase their routines for each other and the viewing audience. It's also a chance for teams to cheer each other on and compete head-to-head in a super-hyped environment for the pride of winning the Battle Cup.
DTU will hold two Battle Rounds at the National Championship: a Junior Battle (including selected teams from the Elementary, Middle School, Junior Varsity, Tiny All-Star, Mini All-Star, Youth All-Star, and/or Junior All-Star divisions) and a Senior Battle (including selected teams from the Varsity, Senior All-Star, and Open All-Star divisions). DTU will conduct the Battle Rounds in accordance with the following guidelines:
Every team is eligible to be invited to the Battle; however, not all preliminary division leaders may be invited to participate in the Battle as invitations will be limited to 2-5 teams depending on the division.
Battles will be grouped by dance style, with specifics announced beforehand.
Judges will not score or critique routines. Instead, they will select a Battle champion based on performance quality, showmanship, and style representation.
In the interest of allowing teams to see and cheer on all other participating teams, no team may perform more than once in the Battle Round.
Invitations to Battle Rounds may be extended after preliminary rounds, taking into account performance quality, entertainment value, and judge recommendations.
A schedule for each Battle will be released prior to the event, but specific performance times will not be disclosed in advance.
Battle Round results do not affect official Championship standings, which are based solely on Finals performance and scoring.
January Draw
The Draw for performance order will be hosted on the DTU website to determine the competition performance order for the Championship, emphasizing transparency and fairness in scheduling.
The Draw is scheduled for January 15 & 16, 2025 on the DTU website. A detailed schedule specifying which divisions will be drawn each day will be published the week prior to the event.
Adjustments to categories (such as Pom, Jazz) and/or divisions (Small, Large, All-Star) must be submitted by the Friday before The Draw. Following The Draw, changes to the number of performing dancers in routines are only permitted in cases of documented injury or school disciplinary action. DTU reserves the right to request sufficient written evidence to verify such claims.
Teams submitting division or category changes after The Draw will perform first in their respective group. Any routine number changes resulting in a division change must be made before the event begins; changes made after the event starts will retain the routine's original division.
DTU may adjust the performance order if The Draw results in conflicting performance times for a team, aiming to minimize changes whenever feasible. The final schedule will be released shortly after the completion of The Draw.
Drawing For Performance Order On-Site
Even if there are multiple preliminary groups, we will combine all finalists for a category into one ranked list of finalists based on preliminary score, and then draw for competition order as follows:
Finalists in categories with six or more finalists will compete in sub-groupings with lowest scores competing first, based upon their scores from the previous round, but within each sub-grouping, teams will draw for random order.
Finalists in categories with five or fewer finalists will compete in reverse order of their preliminary scores.
We may have to change the performance order of a team if the draw results in performance times that conflict with each other; however, we will try to avoid changing the order whenever possible.
Dance Team Union adopted this finals draw approach by carefully balancing two principles: (1) wanting to reward teams who finished highest in preliminary competition with a later performance time and have the most closely matched teams performing close together, while (2) allowing for a clean slate going into finals, with no known hierarchy of teams that might prejudice a judge’s perception. Our approach mirrors the approach used in major sports such as figure skating and gymnastics.
Venue Location
The main competition areas will be at the Orange County Convention Center South Complex and the Hyatt Regency Orlando Convention Center (addresses below).
Orange County Convention Center South Complex
9899 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
Hyatt Regency Orlando Convention Center
9801 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819
Performance Area
The marley performance floor for all competition floors will be 60 feet wide by 50 feet deep. There will be a total of 12 marley panels on the floor and each panel will be 5 feet wide. The warm up floors may have smaller dimensions but will be marked accordingly.
With our current plans for competition flow, teams will enter from stage right and exit stage left. If this changes, we will update this page and notify coaches.
Coaches may sit in the front viewing area designated for coaches only. There will be a waiting area for coaches to sit during the routines before their team's performance only.
Seating Area
The performance venue will have audience seating, and the judges will be seated above and behind such seating. Spectators can come and go from their seats only between performances and during competition breaks. There will be no standing permitted in front of the stage so that the judges' view is not blocked.
Fan Zone
At DTU events, fans are invited to sit on the ground in front of the competition floor to support their team. The viewing area directly in front of the floor is reserved exclusively for coaches and fans of the performing team. Once their team's performance concludes, these fans should promptly vacate the area.
To ensure smooth flow in the Fan Zone, DTU will provide staff to guide fans towards the front of the stage area. Coaches and fans are advised to proceed to their designated waiting area on the left one performance before their team is scheduled to perform. The walkway in front of the central seating must remain clear and accessible at all times.
Following the conclusion of the previous team’s performance, coaches and fans can move into the Coach Box and Fan Zone respectively. Those in the Fan Zone are required to remain seated throughout the entire performance. After the team's performance, coaches should proceed backstage, and fans should promptly exit to the right.

Award Ceremonies
DTU will host Award Ceremonies on Saturday evening and Sunday evening of the competition. All advancing finalists will receive trophies, while National Champions will receive banners, rings, and jackets. Registered dancers and coaches will each receive one jacket and one ring, regardless of the number of titles won. If a Varsity team wins multiple National Championships in Varsity categories, they will also receive a multi-national champion jacket.
In addition to trophies for all finalists, Specialty Awards will be given to a few teams in special categories, including "WOW Moment" Awards, "Be Bold" Awards, and the “Champion Award.”
Video critiques, score sheets, and team rankings from the final round of competition will be made available in team registration accounts following the last Award Ceremony.
The Awards Ceremonies will be livestreamed for free on the DTU website for those unable to attend in person.
Champion Award
DTU is proud to partner with Champion Teamwear to award teams at the DTU National Championship with the "Champion Award." Winners of the Champion Award will receive custom team apparel from Champion Teamwear.
Teams will be selected based on their passion, dedication, teamwork, and innovation—key values of both Champion Teamwear and Dance Team Union. Selection will be based on the display of these values in three areas: performance on the floor at the DTU National Championship, overall positive presence at the event (including team, coaches, and fans, both in person and through social media), and a written submission. The application form will be made available on the Champion Award webpage linked HERE.
Champion Zone
A "Champion Zone" will be hosted for National Champion teams where they will be fitted for rings and jackets. Following the awards ceremonies, the coaches of the winning teams will be texted by a DTU Crew member with their assigned time slot for the Champion Zone. Every effort will be made to accommodate any remaining performance conflicts. Fans will be allowed to enter the Champion Zone for photos with their team in front of a National Champion banner during their scheduled time.
For teams announced as National Champions on Saturday evening, the Champion Zone will open on Sunday morning. For teams announced as National Champions on Sunday evening, the Champion Zone will open after the awards ceremony.
Detailed Competition Results
DTU values transparency! Within a reasonable amount of time after the competition, all teams will receive a detailed Excel file containing total scores and rankings for all teams in all rounds of competition. Teams are encouraged to review this file, as it is intended to be extremely helpful in interpreting the results of nationals and preparing for next year’s competition season.
Competition results will be posted periodically throughout the competition on the Band app and DTU's website.
Team Registration
Team account registration will open in the fall. Priority registration will be available one week earlier for those who have completed the VIP Access Package. See our Nationals webpage for this season's pricing packet. Click HERE to view a helpful instructional video for registering for Nationals.
Participant registration includes two routines. Participants who are performing in more than two routines will be charged $50 for each additional routine. Dancers who plan to attend with multiple programs (school team and all star team) are considered to be crossovers and will be charged $100 per crossover. If you will have a crossover dancer attending with your program, please email us at registration@danceteamunion.com for directions on how to register correctly.
To guarantee hotel room reservations, you must register and pay your entire invoice in full by the due date of November 15. If your invoice still has a balance once November 15 has passed, your registration pricing will increase to the late rate and will be due by December 15. Unpaid reservations will not be guaranteed past this date. School POs will be accepted but we must receive the school check by the due dates.
DTU will accept school checks, booster checks, money orders, cashier checks, or credit card payments for team accounts. Personal checks will not be accepted and will be returned to the sender if received. The invoice number and team name should be included in the memo of checks to ensure the payment is applied to the correct invoice. All check payments should be made payable to Dance Team Union and sent to the mailing address below.
P.O. Box 1207
Nolensville, TN 37135
All credit card payments must be made through online registration accounts. A 3.7% fee will be added to all credit card payments and these fees are non-refundable.
The registration website is accessible through the menu on our website. First, coaches should submit the participant and coach roster, then add a new registration and select Nationals from the event list. All dancers will be required to have a medical waiver on file for the season within the registration account. Please visit our Rules and Scoresheets page if there are any questions about the levels/categories offered at the DTU National Championship.
Division Splits
DTU is pleased to announce the final division splits for the Varsity and Junior Varsity divisions at our 2025 National Championship! Using the ranges we previously announced earlier this year, we set these final division splits based on enrollment numbers and team sizes.
Hip Hop:
Small Varsity - up to 11 dancers
Medium Varsity - 12 to 15 dancers
Large Varsity - 16 dancers and above
Small Varsity - up to 10 dancers
Medium Varsity - 11 to 14 dancers
Large Varsity - 15 dancers and above
Small Varsity - up to 11 dancers
Medium Varsity - 12 to 14 dancers
Large Varsity - 15 dancers and above
Small Varsity - up to 13 dancers
Large Varsity - 14 dancers and above
Senior Spirit Showdown (Game Day):
Small - up to 15 dancers
Medium - 16 to 20 dancers
Large - 21 dancers and above
Senior Spirit Showdown (Rally Dance):
All one Varsity division
Team Performance:
Small Varsity - up to 12 dancers
Large Varsity - 13 dancers and above
Lyrical, Military & Open:
All one Varsity division
Also, due to enrollment numbers, we will be splitting Junior Varsity Jazz into Small JV (up to 12 dancers) and Large JV (13 dancers and above) divisions. All other Junior Varsity divisions will remain one JV division.
Note that teams may change the number of dancers registered in each routine at any time prior our draw for nationals performance order on January 15 & 16, 2025. After the draw, teams may still change their number of dancers, but if it results in a division change, the team will go first in the performance order in the preliminary round for their new division.
Solo and Officer Routine Registration
Registration for the Solo and Officer National Championships will open at the same time as team registration. See our Nationals webpage for this season's pricing packet. Registration, payment, music, waivers, and videos for the virtual preliminary round are all due 10 days before the broadcast date in January. The Solo and Officer Championship Preliminary video submissions and awards will air on our website.
Age groups for the Solo Championship are as follows:
Youth: Grades 6-8
Junior: Grades 9-10
Senior: Grades 11-12
Each soloist may enter multiple solos into the preliminary round, but only one solo may advance to semifinals. There is no maximum number of solos that may be entered per team. Soloists from teams not registered for the DTU National Championship may still enter the preliminary qualifying round.
A team may enter as many Officer routines as it wishes in such qualifying round; however, only one routine per team may compete in Officer Finals. A minimum of four (4) dancers is required to compete in the Officer division, but no maximum number of dancers. All dancers competing in the Officer division must be the official leadership team, captains, officers or seniors of the team. DTU reserves the right to request additional information (including from school administration) to verify compliance with this requirement.
See more information on the solo and officer routine competition under the Schedule tab.
Spectator Registration
Spectators who plan to room with their dancer must be registered by the coach with the team registration. Spectators registering apart from their team will register through a separate link on our website and that registration will open a few weeks after team registration is released. See our Nationals webpage for this season's pricing packet.
Payment for spectator accounts is due upon registration in order for registration to be accepted. Payment must be made by credit card. A 3.7% fee will be added to all credit card payments and these fees are non-refundable.
Spectator registration page: www.danceteamunion.com/spectatorinstructions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation penalties for event registration are listed below for each cancellation deadline.
Prior to December 15th: No penalty
December 15th through January 15th: $100 per person
On or after January 15th: Full forfeiture
See our Terms of Service for more information. All credit and debit card fees are non-refundable.
Change Policy
For submitting changes to team or spectator registration, individuals should log in to their registration account and update details before each specified deadline in the registration process. Email submissions for changes will not be accepted.
Adjustments to categories (such as Pom, Jazz) and/or divisions (Small, Large, All-Star) must be submitted by the Friday before the Live Draw. Following the Live Draw, changes to the number of performing dancers in routines are only permitted in cases of documented injury or school disciplinary action. DTU reserves the right to request sufficient written evidence to verify such claims.
Teams submitting division or category changes after the Live Draw will perform first in their respective group. Any routine number changes resulting in a division change must be made before the event begins; changes made after the event starts will retain the routine's original division.
In instances where a participant originally assigned to a shared room no longer attends, the room rate will be adjusted accordingly based on the new room occupancy. For example, if one person cancels their registration in a 4-person room, the room will be reclassified as a 3-person room, and the rate for each remaining occupant will be adjusted accordingly.
Routine Policy
There is no minimum or maximum time limit for any routine (team or solo); however, a team must notify DTU upon registering and no later than two weeks before the competition if any routine is longer than 2 minutes and 30 seconds, for scheduling purposes. See more detailed information about our routine requirements in the Rules and Scoresheets.
Health and Safety Policy
DTU will adhere to all current venue, local, state, and federal health and safety guidelines during Nationals.
Participants are advised not to travel to Nationals if they have tested positive for COVID-19, are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or have had close contact with someone who has tested positive or is showing symptoms of COVID-19.
Upon arrival at Nationals, if a team member, coach, or spectator tests positive for COVID-19, develops symptoms, or has been in close contact with a confirmed case, the coach must immediately notify Sara Heptig at sara@danceteamunion.com. The affected individual(s) will not be allowed to compete, practice, or access any public areas related to the competition. They should isolate in their hotel room or leave the premises to prevent potential exposure to others.
To review the health and safety protocols specific to each venue, please click the links provided below.
Waivers & Acknowledgement of Rules
Participants' medical waivers and the Coach's Acknowledgement of Rules and Scoresheets will be managed through each team's online registration account. The current season's Rules and Scoresheets can be accessed from the website's menu.
It is mandatory for every participant to have their medical waiver completed prior to arrival or engaging in any related activities such as videotaping or master classes. Teams staying on site will not be issued room keys until all waivers have been signed. Detailed instructions for completing waivers can be found by clicking the button below.
Please note: If you attended a DTU camp or regional competition this season and have not changed participants, previously submitted waiver forms remain valid. New participants must have a completed medical waiver on file before their team can receive room keys or participate in any Nationals events.
All coach, participant, and spectator hotel packages include a 3-day admission band. Those with hotel packages do not need to purchase admission bands separately and will pick up their bands upon arrival at the Event Check-In area.
Spectators not on the DTU hotel package should purchase their admission online in the weeks leading up to the event. Admissions bought online will be available for pick-up at the admission desks when the competition begins. Admission can also be purchased on-site, which will be cashless. Children 5 years and younger who are not participating in the Championship are free.
An announcement will be made via email and on social media when tickets are available for purchase on the website, expected to begin in mid-January.
Livestream access for the competition can be purchased on the DTU website during the week of the event for $40.00. This all-access pass provides entry to all sessions of the competition, including the Solo and Officer Championships, Spirit Showdown sessions, Team Preliminaries, Team Semifinal Rounds, and Team Finals. Please note that livestream purchases are non-refundable.
The results and awards ceremonies will be available to watch for free on a separate livestream. This stream will include The Battles and each Awards Ceremony.
With Your Hotel Package
Details regarding meal options included in each DTU hotel package are outlined below, categorized by hotel. Each package includes tickets or vouchers redeemable on specified days and times. These tickets/vouchers will be distributed upon arrival at the Event Check-In desk along with all other package materials. Please note that tickets and vouchers will not be available for purchase on site and cannot be replaced if lost.
Hyatt Regency Orlando
Hotel packages at the Hyatt Regency Orlando will provide guests with complimentary access to the DTU breakfast room on Saturday and Sunday of the event, available from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Guests must present their tickets for entry into the breakfast area. The menu items available during this time are listed below.
Fresh Baked Regular and Whole Wheat Croissants
Assorted Muffins
Assorted Whole Fruit
Cold Cereals served with Assorted Milk and Sweeteners
Freshly Brewed Coffee (Decaffeinated Coffee Included), Selection of Hot Teas, Orange Juice
Rosen Centre
Hotel packages at the Rosen Centre include two $10 vouchers per person registered in the room. These vouchers are valid for breakfast between 6:30 AM and 10:30 AM and can be used at Red's Deli, Cafe Gauguin, or Smooth Java. Each voucher is for single use only, with no change given. Guests are responsible for any amount exceeding $10.00 per voucher. Vouchers are valid only during the dates of the hotel stay.
Pre-Ordered Lunch
Lunch tickets will be available for purchase during the registration process and exclusively offered to teams who have registered for the event. All ordered tickets will be distributed at event check-in, and replacements will not be provided for lost tickets.
Hotel staff onsite can accommodate alternative options for dietary or allergy restrictions. Lunches will be served in the Hyatt Regency Convention Center. The exact ballroom location is yet to be determined. The lunch dates and times are as follows, with menus available during registration:
Friday: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Saturday: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Sunday: 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Other Meal Options
Below is additional information to assist in planning team meals during Nationals. Suggestions for booking team transportation can be found in the "Transportation" tab.
Orange County Convention Center
Centerplate, in collaboration with the Orange County Convention Center, will offer a variety of meal and grab-and-go options during the competition. Food stations will be situated in the hallway adjacent to the event area. The carts will open between 7-11 AM and close between 7-9 PM on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The menu will feature a diverse selection including coffee, pastries, sandwiches, pizza, BBQ, chicken, smoothies, waffles, crepes, and more. Explore the types of food carts and their menus that could be offered by clicking HERE. Note these offerings are subject to change.
Hyatt Regency Convention Center
Food trucks will be available at the Hyatt Regency Convention Center on Friday, February 14th, and Saturday, February 15th, from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM. On Friday, they will be parked in the bus loop outside the Windermere Ballroom doors. On Saturday, food trucks can be found in two locations: the Windermere Loop and the Convention Center Bus Loop near Dancer Check-In at the front of the Hyatt Hotel. A list of the available food trucks is provided below.
The Wandering Goat (Pizza)
BYOB Intl Fusion (Bowls)
Rubios Baja Grill )Tacos)
The Hook Orlando (Burgers)
One Way Coffee & Ice Cream
Click HERE to see their menus.
Hyatt Regency Hotel
All DTU attendees will receive a 10% discount at the Hyatt's on-site outlets, excluding the 24-Hour Market, in-room dining, and alcohol. To claim this discount, show any of the following DTU event credentials to the hotel staff: coach lanyard, dancer wristband, or admission wristband. For inquiries about private dining, email mcoro-events.sh@hyatt.com.
The Market Place at the Hyatt operates 24/7 and is conveniently situated between the hotel lobby and the convention center. It provides a variety of offerings including hot meals, snacks, and coffee. Additionally, guests can enjoy the culinary experiences at The B-Line Diner and Fiorenzo Italian Steakhouse, both esteemed sit-down restaurants offering full table service. For a more relaxed dining atmosphere, Coconuts Poolside Grill also offers excellent food choices. Explore on-site restaurants and find more information by clicking HERE.
Rosen Centre Hotel
The Rosen Centre features Red’s Deli, a 24-hour market offering a selection of sandwiches, soups, salads, pizzas, and additional items. Guests can also enjoy a range of sit-down dining options onsite, such as Everglades Restaurant, Café Gauguin, and Banshoo Sushi Bar. For casual or quick dining options, explore the menu at Harry’s Poolside Bar and Grill or the Smooth Java Coffee Bar. For more information on their food options, visit their website by clicking HERE.
International Drive
The DTU package hotels, situated on International Drive, are conveniently close to numerous dining options, attractions, entertainment venues, and more. Explore everything the area has to offer on the I-Drive website. Consider purchasing affordable tickets for the I-RIDE Trolley for team bonding during a night out.
Disney Springs: Planet Hollywood
To book a team dinner at Planet Hollywood, individuals can contact them directly at 407-827-7836, or complete the reservation form available by clicking HERE to secure a reservation directly with the restaurant.
Universal City Walk: Hard Rock Café
To book a team dinner at the Hard Rock Café, email Samiah Nikolov at samiah.nikolov@hardrock.com or use the contact form on their website linked HERE.
Universal Orlando Resort
Universal Theme Park tickets can be booked during registration at special rates. Orders and payment must be completed by December 15th. Tickets ordered and paid for by this date will be shipped to the purchaser. Failure to make payment by December 15th will result in the inability to fulfill the ticket order. Purchase orders (POs) will not be accepted, and full payment is required by the deadline. Any ticket orders with an outstanding balance after this date will be canceled.
All park ticket orders are non-refundable.
The discounted ticket types that DTU offers are listed below and will be available for purchase through registration accounts only.
2 Park 1 Day Park-to-Park
2 Park 2 Day Park-to-Park
2 Park 3 Day Park-to-Park
3 Park 2 Day Park-to-Park
3 Park 3 Day Park-to-Park
Experience a night of thrills at Universal Islands of Adventure with an after hours event exclusively for DTU competitors and spectators!
Get ready for one of the biggest parties Dance Team Union has ever thrown because we’ve reserved select areas of Universal Islands of Adventure theme park just for you. Featuring themed lands and cutting-edge rides, Islands of Adventure promises excitement around every bend.
This is where it goes down. And up. And down again. Magical creatures. A school of witchcraft and wizardry. Even dinosaurs (turns out, not so extinct). Take a ride, multiple rides. Some will just mess up your hair. Some will make your head spin (figuratively speaking). All of them will say: Every island is a new reality. It’s a universe of action and excitement—and it’s all yours.
Click HERE for details and pricing information.
Walt Disney World
DTU will not be offering Disney Theme Park tickets to purchase for the National Championship. To purchase Disney tickets, book through Disney directly on their website.
Other Nearby Attractions
The DTU package hotels, situated on International Drive, are conveniently close to numerous dining options, attractions, entertainment venues, and more. Explore everything the area has to offer on the I-Drive website. Consider purchasing affordable tickets for the I-RIDE Trolley for team bonding during a night out.

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Event Photos
Event photos will be taken throughout the weekend, capturing solo semifinals and finals, as well as team preliminary and final rounds. Photos will also be taken during the battles and awards ceremonies. These photos will be available for purchase at kiosks during competition hours and online. Additionally, the photography company will accept online orders in the weeks following the competition.
DTU will open online pre-orders for select items from the DTU Nationals apparel line in the weeks leading up to the event. These pre-order items will also be available for purchase on-site during the event. Additionally, any remaining apparel from regional competitions will be sold at the National Championship. The store will be open during Event Check-in on Thursday and throughout competition hours from Friday to Sunday.
Coach Meetings
While not mandatory, coaches are strongly encouraged to attend one of the scheduled Coach Meetings. These meetings will exclusively address concerns and provide briefings pertinent to coaches. They will cover all essential details of the weekend and provide ample opportunity to address any inquiries. Specific dates, times, and locations for the Coach Meetings will be available on the Band app.
Coach Communication
DTU emphasizes the importance of communication and community throughout the season. Coaches are encouraged to join the Band app for all nationals-related communication.
A link to join the Band app will be emailed to all registered coaches by DTU. Coaches who do not receive the link should contact Sara Heptig at sara@danceteamunion.com.
Prepping Competition Music
For information on our Rules regarding competition music, visit our Rules and Scoresheets page and select the button labeled "MUSIC."
Uploading Music
Coaches are required to upload performance music in registration accounts by the Monday before the competition begins. To upload music, log in and select the pink "Upload Music" button on the Nationals registration dashboard. All music files must be in MP3 format. If the music is not uploaded to the registration account before all files are downloaded, coaches will be responsible for providing their own music on site using an aux cord.
Music On-Site
During scheduled marley floor practice times, teams are responsible for playing their own music. For official warm-ups before competition performances, DTU will play the music that teams uploaded to their registration accounts. Each warm-up floor will have a DTU Crew member stationed to play music upon coaches' instructions.
Coaches must ensure they bring a backup of their music that can be played via an auxiliary cord for both warm-ups and performances. An adapter for iPhone users will be provided by DTU. When teams are ready to perform on the competition floor, coaches signal the music table with a "thumbs up" to start playing the routine music.
Changes to Music On-Site
If changes are made to the music on site, coaches will be responsible for playing their music via aux cord at all warm-up and performance times.
Master Classes
DTU will provide a variety of master classes in different styles during the Thursday and Friday of the event week. A detailed schedule and sign-up form will be available closer to the event. Participation in these classes is optional, offering teams and individual dancers a valuable opportunity to connect with others who share a passion for dance.
Further details about the Master Class Instructors and session times will be announced on the Band app closer to the event date.
The Dance Draft: An Ultimate Recruiting Summit
The "Dance Draft: An Ultimate Recruiting Summit," sponsored by Sharpen Up Dance Team Training, returns to the DTU Nationals experience this year! This Summit offers dancers a prime opportunity to elevate their dance careers. Participants will receive valuable insights into various career paths within the dance industry, facilitated by industry professionals such as college coaches, cruise line recruiters, and entertainment industry experts.
The event will take place at the Hyatt Regency Orlando on Thursday before the competition begins, with morning and afternoon sessions available for registration. Each session features different presenters, and dancers have the option to attend both sessions. A detailed schedule will be provided to registrants closer to the event.
Learn more about The Dance Draft!
Travel Information
All teams must complete a Travel Itinerary form, regardless of whether they are driving or flying in, to facilitate the planning of coach arrivals at the Event Check-In desk.
DTU offers complimentary bus transportation between Orlando International Airport (MCO) and the designated DTU package hotels for guests who purchase a DTU package. This service is available only during the scheduled shuttle bus times outlined below and is subject to the specified terms and conditions.
Submitting Travel Information
Please note that complimentary transportation to and from Orlando International Airport (MCO) is available only to those who have purchased the hotel package. If spectators are traveling with the team or are registered under the coach’s account, the coach must submit their travel information. For teams arriving or departing individually, multiple submissions are required. DTU cannot guarantee transportation for flight itineraries submitted after the due date.
Airport Transportation Schedule
DTU will provide transportation from the MCO airport to the hotel for teams and spectators who purchase a DTU hotel package, according to the transportation schedule below. Please consider these hours when booking your flights to MCO. Teams on flights landing outside of these specified hours will be responsible for their own transportation. Transportation to and from other airports or stations will not be provided.
While booking your travel, please consider the competition schedule of events posted on the Schedule tab. DTU will not be able to make special accommodations to the event schedules for those arriving outside of the specified time frames.
Note that if you are an individual who lands at Terminal C, you will need to find your way to Terminal A for pick up.
Arrival Transportation Schedule - MCO Airport to DTU Hotels
Wednesday: first bus departure at 12:00 p.m. to last bus departure at 11:00 p.m. (flight MUST land by 10:00 p.m.)
Thursday: first bus departure at 8:00 a.m. to last bus departure at 11:00 p.m. (flight MUST land by 10:00 p.m.)
Friday: first bus departure at 8:00 a.m. to last bus departure at 5:00 p.m. (flight MUST land by 4:00 p.m.)
The final transportation of the day will depart from the airport at the scheduled time listed above and will not return to the airport. DTU will monitor flight delays and provide transportation for delayed flights only for full teams and their accompanying spectators. Spectators traveling separately should arrange their own transportation if flights are delayed beyond these hours.
Departure Transportation Schedule - DTU Hotels to MCO Airport
Monday: first bus departure at 3:00 a.m. to last bus departure at 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday: first bus departure at 3:00 a.m. to last bus departure at 6:00 p.m.
The final transportation of the day will depart from the hotel at the scheduled time listed above and will not return to the hotel or wait for any teams or spectators.
Theme Park Transportation
Universal Studios
DTU offers complimentary transportation to and from Universal Studios for those who purchase Universal tickets during the registration process. Please note that the buses will depart from a central location at the Orange County Convention Center South Complex, not from individual hotels. This service will only be available on the Thursday before the competition and the Monday after, with limited spots available. A Universal transportation sign-up form, including times and additional details, will be emailed to ticket holders in the weeks leading up to the competition. For arranging and paying for transportation to Universal Studios outside of this schedule, please refer to the Private Transportation section on this page.
International Drive
If your team plans to head to International Drive for its attractions, dining, or entertainment, take advantage of the affordable tickets to ride the I-RIDE Trolley to your destination. Visit the I-Drive website for all of the details.
DTU will not provide transportation to and from Disney properties during the National Championship. To secure your team's travel to a Disney theme park or Disney Springs, we suggest utilizing the resources listed in the Private Transportation section on this page.
Private Transportation
WorldStrides/Specialty Travel Programs
WorldStrides/Specialty Travel Programs can help coaches plan and book a successful and well-organized trip to Nationals. They offer services including flight research and booking, assistance with purchasing Dance Team Union’s hotel packages, and arranging additional activities, group meals, trip cancellation insurance, and more. For assistance, contact Gretchen Noack, Dance Travel Specialist, at Gretchen.Noack@Worldstrides.com or 866-656-6105.
Mears Transportation
DTU teams can take advantage of special discounted pricing with Mears Transportation, a valuable option for booking additional transportation during the event week.
Last season's discounted pricing is listed below. Please expect that travel costs are likely to increase slightly for this season's event. Prices below include gratuity.
Last Season's Cost for a 54-passenger Motor Coach Round Trip: $662.15
Last Season's Cost for a 54-passenger Motor Coach Charter: 5 hour minimum $779.00. Additional hours at $155.80
Last Season's Cost for a 54-passenger Motor Coach One Way: $526.30
Last Season's Cost for a 25-passenger Minibus Round Trip: $520.60
Last Season's Cost for a 25-passenger Minibus Charter: 5 hour minimum $698.25. Additional hours at $139.65
Last Season's Cost for a 25-passenger Minibus One Way: $449.35
Round Trip Service:
Mears' round trip service is tailored for destinations in the immediate Orlando area. It includes a one-way transfer to your destination with the return trip later the same day. To ensure smooth operations, precise pickup times must be pre-scheduled for both the outbound and return journeys. Any delays exceeding 15 minutes will result in billing at the charter rate. Please note that Mears' vehicles do not stay with the group between trips, so personal items cannot be left on board. Additionally, a different driver and vehicle may be assigned for your return trip.
Charter Service:
Mears' charter service offers flexibility and convenience for groups needing transportation within the contracted time frame. The vehicle remains with your group throughout the specified period, allowing for multiple stops and trips as needed. This service is particularly recommended for group dinners or occasions where flexibility in pickup times is essential.
One Way:
Mears' one-way service provides a straightforward transfer option for destinations within the immediate Orlando area. It includes a single transfer to your destination with a pre-scheduled pickup time. Similar to Mears' round trip service, delays exceeding 15 minutes will be billed at the charter rate to ensure timely service.
Airport Transfers:
For transfers outside of Mears' designated DTU window or to airports other than MCO, please contact Mears Transportation directly for applicable pricing and arrangements.
For reservations and to inquire about Mears' special DTU pricing, please reach out to Erin Leonhardt at eleonhardt@mears.com or call 407-254-0440. Please note that vehicle availability and pricing are subject to change.
On-Site Parking
Hyatt Regency Orlando Parking
For those who purchased the DTU hotel package at the Hyatt Regency Orlando, parking at the Hyatt Regency Orlando is FREE if parking is confirmed with the hotel front desk upon check-in. This free parking is for in and out privileges by using a hotel key at the parking gate.
For those who did not purchase a DTU package, validation will be available via QR Codes posted throughout the venue, Present your original ticket along with a photo of the QR Code. See step by step instructions below.
1. Take paper ticket upon entry to the garage.
2. Once inside, take a picture or screenshot of the QR code provided at event check-in and/or the admission desk. Do not try to scan the QR code with your phone. Validation will require a picture of the code.
3. When exiting the garage, scan the original ticket followed by the QR code picture and the price will drop to $12.
4. Pay and exit.
Without validation, spectators will be required to pay the daily rate. For the most up-to-date parking rates and information, visit the Hyatt Regency Orlando website.
If teams travel to Nationals on their own using bus transportation and require bus parking, contact the Hyatt Regency Orlando directly for space availability. There is very limited space for bus parking and will be reserved on a first come, first serve basis.
Orange County Convention Center Parking
For the most up-to-date parking information, visit the Orange County Convention Center website. The Orange County Convention Center operates three parking lots with accessible parking available. Overnight parking is not allowed at the Orange County Convention Center. The Orange County Convention Center is now cashless and accepts Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover, Apple Pay and Google Pay.
Event Check-In Location
Event Check-In for all attendees will be at the Hyatt Regency Orlando Convention Center area. We will send an email with the exact location closer to the event. The tab labeled Map of Events on this page will show the location of all event on a detailed floor plan so you can find your way to the right location.
Coach/Team Check-In
At the DTU team check-in desk, staff will verify each team’s registration information. Coaches will receive their lanyards, a coaches' bag, meal tickets, admission bands for registered spectators, and all complimentary fan t-shirts. It is important to note that fan t-shirts for both spectators and team members will only be available to the coach at check-in and will not be distributed individually to spectators.
While coaches check in with DTU staff, dancers will head to the participant "Welcome" tables to pick up their free goody bags.
Wednesday: 12:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m.
Thursday: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
If attendees arrive before the desk opens, they will need to wait until staff open the desk for the day to check in with DTU. Those arriving at the hotel after the registration desk closes on Wednesday or Thursday should check into their hotel rooms first and then proceed to DTU check-in the following day. Spectators arriving after the registration desk closes on Friday will need to pick up their weekend passes and meal tickets at the DTU admission desk in the Hyatt.
Once coaches have completed check-in with DTU staff, their next stop will be the hotel front desk. There, coaches will check into all rooms in their registration and pick up room keys. Incidentals have been requested to be turned off for all team rooms, but coaches can choose to turn them on for their own room with the hotel staff. Teams arriving in their own vehicles should provide vehicle information to the front desk to receive free overnight parking using their room keys. Please be aware that rooms may not be available before the official hotel check-in time of 4:00 p.m. If arriving earlier than 4:00 p.m., the hotel will assist with storing luggage until the rooms are ready.
Spectator Check-In
At the DTU spectator check-in desk, staff will verify the registration information of all spectators. Spectators will receive their admission bands and meal tickets at this time. Complimentary fan t-shirts for both spectators and teams will be provided to the coach only at check-in and will not be distributed individually to spectators.
Once spectators have completed check-in with DTU staff, their next stop will be the hotel front desk to check in. Spectators will need to provide a credit card for incidentals before receiving their room keys. Guests staying at the Hyatt Regency Orlando must inform the hotel staff to activate their room keys for free Hyatt parking; otherwise, parking will be charged to the card on file. Parking is not included with other hotel packages. See "Transportation" tab for information on parking. Please note that rooms may not be available before the official hotel check-in time of 4:00 p.m.
Hyatt Regency
Hyatt Regency Building Map
See the Hyatt Regency's building maps below, which include the hotel map and the Hyatt's convention center map.
Orange County Convention Center (OCCC)
Wayfinding Map
The Orange County Convention Center has an all-new mobile navigation app available to download on the App Store for iPhone and iPad as well as on Google Play, making it easier to explore the country’s second-largest convention center. We believe this will be an invaluable tool for our attendees in finding the locations and pathways to each event within our Championship.
The OCCC Campus app, which can be found by searching for the “Orange County Convention Center” in either app store, elevates and further enhances the 22Miles software-based wayfinding kiosks that were installed at the OCCC in early 2018. The new mobile tool offers turn-by-turn directions for users as they navigate the campus.
OCCC Map of Events
Access to the skybridge to and from the Hyatt Regency is located on the second level of the Orange County Convention Center.
Skybridge Pathways:
Hyatt Regency Map of DTU Events
Access to the skybridge to the Orange County Convention Center South building is located up the escalators in the rotunda of the Hyatt Regency Convention Center.

Event Security
Below are the emergency action plans for the Hyatt and the Orange County Convention Center (OCCC) for the DTU National Championship event. These documents outline procedures to follow in case of emergencies such as imminent threats, medical emergencies, or fires.
Orlando Plus Security (OPS) will be present on-site to assist in emergencies, collaborating with the Hyatt and OCCC security teams who operate continuously.
Security awareness is a shared responsibility among all attendees.
In the event of a life-threatening emergency, individuals should dial 911 and specify their location within the building. Following the call to 911, individuals should notify OPS, who will collaborate with the building's security team to evaluate the situation and decide on any required additional resources.
For any observations of suspicious or unusual activity, individuals are encouraged to promptly contact OPS. OPS will then inform the building's security team and initiate appropriate measures.
Health and Safety Policy
DTU will adhere to all current venue, local, state, and federal health and safety guidelines during Nationals.
Participants are advised not to travel to Nationals if they have tested positive for COVID-19, are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, or have had close contact with someone who has tested positive or is showing symptoms of COVID-19.
Upon arrival at Nationals, if a team member, coach, or spectator tests positive for COVID-19, develops symptoms, or has been in close contact with a confirmed case, the coach must immediately notify Sara Heptig at sara@danceteamunion.com or in the Band app. The affected individual(s) will not be allowed to compete, practice, or access any public areas related to the competition. They should isolate in their hotel room or leave the premises to prevent potential exposure to others.
To review the health and safety protocols specific to each venue, please click the links provided below.